When we speak , we often contract the words. Here's a handy guide to some of the more common contractive words (informal). These informal contractions are not Correct English. This Contract only use in Spoken English, Don't use them in a written exam.
gonna = going to
I'm gonna call you back.
want to = wanna
I wanna talk to you.
gotta = has / have got to
= got to
I've gotta go now !
I gotta go now !
innit = isn't it
It's cold, innit?
ain't = isn't / aren't / am not / haven't / hasn't
He ain't finished the work.
ya = you / your
I know ya very well.
what's ya name ?
lemme = let me
lemme see.... when 'll it be held ?
gimme = give me
Please, gimme a glass of water.
wadd'ya = what do you
waddya mean , you don't wanna watch the game ?
dunno = don't / dosen't know
I dunno. waddya think?
whatcha = what are you
Whatcha doing now ?
Whatcha gonna do ?
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