
In learning a foreign language like English, pronunciation has a significant role to make the language communicated to anyone, intelligible and knowledgeable. As the foremost function of language is to communicate the speaker of the language, the speaker has to be careful about spoken language, and in spoken language, pronunciation plays the most important part. If the speaker doesn’t have any idea about correct pronunciation, probably it will be a great mess in communicating a massage. Received Pronunciation (RP) is internationally recognized as standard one. In order to make communication effective one, the speech has to be pronounced correctly. Achievement in correct pronunciation needs constant practice. Pronunciation efficiency is a skill, which can be acquired by any foreign language learner who has keen interest in developing this special art. Correct pronunciation is one kind of habit formation on which needs the speaker to be a skilled imitator. This imitation may be of a native speaker or any foreign speaker who has become successful in acquiring native speaker like fluency in spoken language. It also can be acquired through conscious effort and constant practice. So, a foreign language learner should try to understand the phonetic system or structure which refers to the ability of recognizing sound/symbol relationship in identifying a word.
Phonetics is a branch of linguistics concerned with the production, Physical nature, and perception of speech sounds. The word ‘phonetics’ has been derived from the word ‘phone’ which means a single speech sounds. (vowel or consonant) used for human speech . In this way phonetics can be defined as the systematic and scientific study of speech sounds, their production and the symbols used represent them in act of transcription.
Now we learn PHONETICS Step by step:

1. Learning English Alphabet with Correct Pronunciation


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