Symbol Meaning
aak = asleep at keyboard
ATST = At the same time
adn = any day now
afaik = as far as I know
afk = away from the keyboard
R U 420? = Are you loafer boy?
Aisi = as I see it
Aiui = as I understand it
Aka = also known as
Alol = actually laughing out loud
Aml = all my love
Asap = as soon as possible
a/s/l = age/sex/location
At = always tomorrow
Atm = at the moment
Atw = at the weekend
Awgthtgtata= Are we going to have to go through all this again
awhfy = Are we having fun yet?
awl (awol)= absent without leave
ayor = at your own risk
b4 = before
bb4e = bye bye for ever
bb = bye bye
bbb = bye bye baby
BbB = Bis bald Baby
bbfallt = bye bye for a long long time
bbfn = bye bye for now
bbiab = be back in a bit
bbl = be back later
bbsl = be back sooner or later
bcdhm = be careful, don’t hurt me
bcnu = be seein you
bd = Bangladesh
BITD = Back in the day
bh = blockhead
bion = believe it or not
bmhwb = be my hot-water bottle
bmor = be mine or run
bnscd = but now something completely different
brb = be right back
btobd = be there or be dead
btw = by the way
bukt(a)= but you knew that (already)
CYL = See you later
CWYL = Chat with you later
Cf = Constant fury
cibm? = could it be magic?
Cm = call me
cmiiw = correct me it I’m wrong
cmm = change(d) my mind
cnrbe = could never resist blue eyes
cofr = cry out for revenge
cpf = can pigs fly?
Crz = Crazy
Cu = see you
cuial = see you in another life
cul,cyl = see you later
cum = change your mind
cus = see you soon
cut = see you tomorrow
Cuttl = crawling under the table laughing
Ctg = Chittagong
dae = dreams are empty
dak = dead at keyboard
DaM = Denk an Murphy
DA = Direct Action
dddg = Dumm, dumm, dumm gelaufen
Diik = damned if I know
Dhk = Dhaka
Dk = don’t know
DB = Don’t Believe
dlmbm = don’t let me be misunderstood
dluvm(t) = don’t like you very much (today)
DU? = Do You? Dhaka University
DHYB = Don’t Hold Your Breath
Dom = dirty old man
dpwm = don’t play with me
Dsh = desperately seeking help
Dtrt = do the right thing
Dur? = Do you remember?
duswic = do you see what I see
Dg = Dumm gelaufen
dwbh = don’t worry be happy
dwim = do what I mean
dwimnwis= do what I mean, not what I say
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