Eol = end of lecture
E2EG = ear of ear grin
EM = Execute Member
Eod = end of discussion
EU = European Union
E2EG = ear of ear grin
EM = Execute Member
Eod = end of discussion
EU = European Union
F? = Female?
F2F = face to face
fawe = for anyone who cares
FDROTFL= falling down, rolling on the floor laughing
FAQ = Frequently Asked Question
FYI = For Your Information
FYA = For Your Amusement
flch = feels like coming home
fmm = fresh my mind
FYM = For your Misinformation
foac = fall over and cry
FTU = Faster than You
FOTCL= falling off the chair laughing
Ftl = faster than light
Fud = fear, uncertainty and doubt
fwiw = for what it’s worth
Fya = for your amusement
Fye = for your entertainment
Fyi = for your information
FE = Fatal Error
ga = go ahead
GIGO = Garbage In, Garbage Out
gaga = go amused, go amazed
galgal = give a little, get a little
GB! = Good, Baby!
gbh = Great big hug
gf = Good feelings
GL = Good Luck
GG = Good Game
giwist = Guy, I wish I’d said that
glgh = Good luck and good hunting
gliw = got lost in web
GTMU = Glad to meet you
gok = God only knows
gooml = get out of my life
gowi = go on with it
gr8 = Great
GR = Good Race
Gtg = got to go
h2cus = hope to see you soon
hak = hugs and kisses
halatnm = have a look at the next mail
hand = have a nice day
hant = have a nice time
hd = halte durch
hddMa = heul doch den Mond an
hih = hope it helps
hhoj = Ha Ha only joking
hsik = how should I know
hth = hope that helps!
huh = hate you, honey
humm = hope you miss me
hummb= hope you miss my beasties
hf = have fun
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ReplyDeleteThis is a very informative article and many should read it.